Enter His Gates: Participating in the Psalms

Photo by Steven Lasry on Unsplash

Psalm 100 is “A Psalm for giving thanks.”  Yesterday’s post focused on the first three verses, and today’s covers the last two, which continue the Psalmist’s encouragement to personally join them in thanksgiving.

Psalm 100:4 reads:

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
            and his courts with praise!
            Give thanks to him; bless his name!”

Verse 3 ended describing us as God’s sheep, and as our Shepherd, He guides us into His presence.  At the time the Psalm was written, this would probably be in His temple, but for us it is whenever we worship in public or in private.  Does our worship involve willing and joyful giving of thanks, praise, and blessing to God?  Or do we sometimes worship reluctantly?  Do we feel we don’t measure up to what God expects?  In case we need encouragement, the Psalmist continues with verse 5:

“For the LORD is good;
            his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.

Like verse 3 covered yesterday, this verse is a list of things to be thankful for.  A list of reasons we can enter His gates and courts with thanksgiving and praise:

“For the LORD is good” – We can approach God and worship Him because He is good
“his steadfast love endures forever” – We can approach Him because His love is steadfast
“and his faithfulness to all generations.” – We can approach Him because of His faithfulness

It is His characteristics that make Him love us, and His character endures forever.  If we have lacked goodness, love, or faithfulness since we last met with God, His love for us in Christ overcomes it all.  His nature is 100% reliable, and worthy of our thanksgiving!

Take a moment and ask Him how you might participate in the Psalms, being thankful for His character regardless of how your day is going, or how you feel.  He wants to walk through it with you.  Be thankful!

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